In this edition:
8 March Junats - GoPro talk
12 - 26 Permaculture Design Course in Raglan
24 March Nature Education talk in Kauaeranga
6 April Community environmental workshops day in Colville
Bees available for a topbar beehive
Nucleus colony for 395mm bar $90. Contact Erin on 027 287 9126
Friday 8th March
Junats weekly meeting
Do you know young people who are interested in the environment?
Junats meet every Friday evening and run camps during holidays.
This Friday’s session is: GoPro – What is it? Ross Trafford, teacher and photographer, will show us some of his work and give us some tips on how to make great adventure movies.
We meet at Wintec classroom (Gate 2, Hamilton Gardens at 7pm).
Dave Mathews phone (07) 846 4013
March 12 - 26
Permaculture Design Certificate at Solscape in Raglan
It is not too late to register
For more details go to
Sunday, 24 March 2013
'Mapbearers, toolkeepers, starmakers'
3pm - 4.30pm at Kauaeranga Visitors Centre
Kauaeranga Valley Rd Coromandel Forest Park
Professor Steve Van Matre will be presenting his inspiring and thought provoking speech at the Kauaeranga Visitors Centre. This speech can also be heard as part of the 2013 Earth Education Gathering which is being held at the Kauaeranga Forest Education Camp on 22-24th March. For more information about either of these events, please phone Louise Deane on: 078684559 or visit the website:
Steve Van Matre is the Chairman and the founder of the Institute for Earth Educatio., Professor Van Matre's materials represent the most widely used nature education programs in the world.
To find out more information and/or book a ticket, click on ATTEND EVENT
Saturday, 6 April, 2013
Community Workshop- Weeds, Pests, Erosion and Water quality
Meet Colville Hall, Colville, Coromandel Peninsula
See attached flyer for details of presenters, discussion/workshop topics and visits to properties in the Colville area.
RSVP to Moira Cursey and state non-vegetarian or vegetarian for catering purposes. Email
Pls send through your networks.
Workshop Colville April 2013 Flyer.pdf