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Gardening at Grandview / A Rocha Presentation

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    2 comments

Grandview Community Gardening Day

Friday, 28 September

Get inspired and lend a hand.  Hamilton City Council staff are also volunteering to work at the gardens for their Community Service Day.

There will be the painting of signs, weeding of gardens, digging a drain, sorting and hanging tools in the shed, digging out gorse, moving concrete, mulching paths and helping with the gardens.

Contact Tim 0212243109 or Clare 0210387623 for times.

Park on the road opposite 183 Grandview Rd and walk across the grass to the garden.




A Rocha Presentation

Sustainable September / Job vacancy

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Scything Workshop with the Jolly Scythers

(Part of "Sustainable September")

Sunday, 23 September 2012.  8:30am to 1pm

At Te Mauri Tau

Learn the art of scything. Replace your noisy, smelly lawn mower.  Enjoy birdsongs, the smell of the grass, the satisfaction, and have fun. The cost is $65 ($30 can be applied to purchase of equipment).

Registration required ASAP

Contact: (07) 825 0480, wenvc@kol.co.nz

For other  Sustainable September Events go to:  www.whaingaroa.org.nz


Environmental Education Coordinator vacancy at Kaipatiki Project Environment Centre

If interested email manager@kaipatiki.org.nz or phone Hamish Hopkinson - Kaipatiki Project Manager for further information

"We are looking for someone passionate about the environment, living sustainably and conservation to drive our education programmes here at the Kaipatiki Project Environment Centre.

This role is a fantastic opportunity for someone to make their mark on both the organisation and environmental education around the region. We are a confident and independent organisation with an exciting future, which includes the development of a new environment centre.

This role is responsible for overseeing and developing our education programme – from schools to community education to the actions in between to connect and facilitate greater environmental education within the sphere of our influence. Our programmes are, and will be, engaging, innovative, practical and professional




Solar Energy Information Evening

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Solar Power Information Evening

Thursday, 20th Sept 7 - 9pm.

267 Newell Road, Tamahere

Electrotechnology Solutions believes there is a better way to generate your own POWER and, also the importance of educating people about it.

Anyone is invited to this event. 

Please register your interest on line: www.solarpowerinformation.co.nz

Contact person: Madelyn Stanton 021 566 281 or madelyn@ets.net.nz





National Wetland ATM

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Sustainability Accounting Seminar

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

A deep or shallow ecological approach to biodiversity reporting: A longitudinal case study of the New Zealand Department of Conservation

19 September at 1.00pm, Wednesday

Venue: MSB 4.02. Waikato University. Gate 10 off Silverdale Road, Hamilton

Seminar presenter is Grant Samkin

He intends to challenge some of our perspectives concerning sustainability accounting and reporting.

The purpose of this paper is to determine the extent of biodiversity reporting by the Department of Conservation (DOC) in terms of the nature of the information and second, establish whether a deep, intermediate or shallow ecological approach to biodiversity conservation can be inferred from annual report disclosures.

This paper uses a longitudinal single case study of the Department of Conservation (DOC) spanning the period from its establishment in 1987 to 2010. Using a deep, intermediate and shallow ecology taxonomy the study involves a detailed examination of the biodiversity disclosures over a 23 year period. Within the annual reports, biodiversity-related text units were identified and allocated to one of three major categories and then into one of 13 subcategories. Once categorised, text units were coded according to their underlying ecological focus as deep, intermediate or shallow perspective.

The study found that after initially decreasing biodiversity related disclosures showed an increasing trend. The variations in the level of disclosures were directly related to changes in DOC’s reporting environment. The greatest incremental increase in disclosures occurred between 1999 and 2000 which coincided with the introduction of the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy. The majority of disclosures were found to have a deep ecological focus. The study found that the legislative underpinning of DOC requiring the organisation to protect, preserve and reverse biodiversity loss, while at the same time ensuring present and future generations of New Zealanders benefit from the conservation estate, reflects a deep/shallow ecological tension which is evident in a number of disclosures.

Although biodiversity has been the focus of many areas of study, its consideration in accounting discipline and literature is limited. This longitudinal study of a public benefit entity contributes to the limited biodiversity reporting literature.





Richard Heinberg Coming

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Richard Heinberg is coming to Hamilton on the 1st October.

Please pass this around your networks, and put up the attached poster in your workplaces.


Frogs and wetas at the Zoo tonight

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

As part of Conservation and Frog week

Come view NZs native Hochstetters frogs after dark and listen to two very special guest speakers as part of Hamilton Zoo’s Frog Week activities! 

Adam Daniel (University of Waikato) will deliver a talk on native and pest fish with Helen Ranson (Wintec) talking about insects and vertebrates.

You will then venture down into Hamilton Zoos Hochsetters frog enclosure and view these unique nocturnal amphibians.  

We will also some Mahoenui Giant weta on display for you to see.

When: Wednesday 12 September.
Time: From 7pm
Where: Hamilton Zoo, Brymer Rd
Bookings: Essential, as only 30 spaces!  Phone 838 6720 to reserve your space.
Cost: $10 (no zoo entry fee applies, cash only)

Weta — fascinating not fierce

Posted 12 years ago    0 comments

September 11, Tuesday.  7.30 pm

Room S.G.01, Gate 8, Hillcrest Road, or Gate 1 on 

on Knighton Rd, Waikato University

Royal Society of New Zealand Waikato Branch Lecture Series, Facing the Future

All welcome. This event is free

Dr Corinne Watts, Invertebrate Ecologist, Landcare Research, Hamilton

 Weta are the flagship for New Zealand insect conservation. There are five types of weta in New Zealand: tree, cave, ground, tusked and giant weta. Many of the larger bodied weta, such as the tusked and giant weta are now rare and threatened following the introduction of predatory mammals into New Zealand. These weta are ideal subjects for translocation and conservation projects and some of these will be outlined. Love them or fear them these distinctive New Zealand insect icons are unique and the development of monitoring and translocation techniques are leading the development of reintroduction biology for invertebrates. In addition, live Mahoenui giant weta will be the ‘stars’ of the evening.

Corinne Watts is an Invertebrate Ecologist at Landcare Research in Hamilton. Corinne did her PhD at the University of Canterbury on the restoration of invertebrate communities after peat mining in Waikato wetlands. She works on monitoring insect communities after mammal control or eradication at biodiversity sanctuaries throughout NZ and is part of a team at Landcare Research Hamilton and DOC that monitors and translocates threatened insects, particularly weta.

