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"Warm up for Winter" - evening seminar

Posted 12 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Wednesday June 20, 7- 9pm

 Bill Gallagher Events Room 2, Wintec,  Gate 3 from Tristram St

 Entry: FREE

Ian Mayes, Eco Design Advisor at Hamilton City Council,

will cover the basics of how to make your home warm, healthy and dry this winter – looking at insulation, draught proofing, curtaining, moisture extraction, and heating.

To register, contact Waikato Green Building Network coordinator Megan Edmeades on megan@greenme.org.nz, or 021 414 529.


Mangakotukutuku Stream Care Planting Day

Posted 12 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 9 June 3-4.30 pm.

Meet at Waterford Rd entrance

Please email if you plan to be there and advise of numbers before Friday so HCC can arrange a suitable number of plants.

Good news:

Our Group has made the finals of the Green Ribbon Awards!   Go to:




Kauri Planting on Coromandel

Posted 12 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Kauri 2000 - volunteers needed

Saturday 9 June

In June Kauri 2000 will be planting the 10,000th kauri at the Matarangi Reserve - this is an outstanding achievement in just seven seasons!

This year the planting will be in an exciting new location, as the eastern block is now pretty much full, and no more planting can take place on the Vodafone side until the wilding pines are cut down. The new site is off Mynderman's Hill, and it is possibly good for several years’ planting.

There are a total of 2235 trees to plant at Coromandel, Paeroa, Tairua and Matarangi Reserve, with 1075 to be planted at Matarangi.

Can you join Kauri 2000 for our main volunteer planting day on 9 June? The plan is for a good half day planting, aiming to plant about 500 trees, so 25 people or so are needed on the day.

There’ll be a sausage sizzle and cold drinks to follow, so Kauri 2000 can celebrate the 10,000th tree in style and volunteers can enjoy catching up with each other. (Who knows, there might also be a Green Ribbon Award to celebrate!)

It is expected that this will be THE big Saturday planting effort for the season. (There’ll also be special planting days for Mercury Bay Area School Years 7 & 8 and the Coromandel Outdoor Language Centre, plus a sponsors' day out with the BNZ.)  A further small volunteer day may be needed if there are trees left to plant.

Please RSPV  for catering and planning purposes, if you intend to go on Saturday 9 June.  Please contact Barb Ritchie Kauri 2000 co-ordinator by Friday 1 June - emailinfo@kauri2000.co.nz or phone 07 866 0468. They will send you details of where to meet etc.


Also, Kauri 2000 has been selected as a finalist in the 2012 Green Ribbon Awards, in the Communications & Education category. This is quite a big deal and it’s all down to the support they've had from their volunteers, schools, contractors, donors, sponsors and other supporters.




Te Whangai Nursery Autumn Sale

Posted 12 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Te Whagai is currently offering the following:

1) Free:  5000 Pittosporum crassifolium, or Karo, (older stock that needs to go). Bring your trailer and take as many as you would like. Karo is a small North Island coastal tree and is excellent for hedging, shelter belts and  as a coastal nurse plant. They are salt and wind tolerant. Pick up only.

2) Planting and Maintenance Special with minimum order of 200 plants.  We have the trees/grasses ready to go. Our team can plant the trees for you and also hand/spray release your trees in spring.  

3) Plant specials available including the PB3 Unit Price.

 Agathis australis     Kauri     $2.95.     Beautiful plants, 1m high.

  Arthropodium cirrhatum      Renga Lily     $2.50.  Beautiful plants, need to be planted out.

  Beilschmiedia tarairi       Taraire     $1.95.     Older plants, need to go to make room for new stock.

  Cordyline australis      Cabbage tree      $1.95.     Healthy Plants, need to go to make room for new stock.

  Corokia mangatangi     Korokio      $1.95.      Beautiful plants, 1m high.

  Cortaderia fulvida   Toe toe    $2.50.     Beautiful plants.

 Carex secta   Pukio    $2.50.      Beautiful plants.

 Carex Virgata   Swamp Sedge  $2.50.   Beautiful plants.

 Phormium cookianum   Wharariki/Mountain Green    $2.50

 Sophora microphylla   Kowhai    $1.95.     Large plants - need to be planted out.

The full price list is attached

Te Whangai Nursery also have a number of related services including,  developing planting plans, providing planting teams and maintenance works.

If you have any queries please contact John Walter.

Te Whangai Trust, Employment Assessment Centre

Native Plant Nursery

Charitable Trust

Phone. 09 232 7725

Cell ph. 021 952659

Facsimile. 09 232 7764


Te Whangai Trust Plant List - 2012.pdf

Hammond Bush Working Bee

Posted 12 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Coal Action Network Aotearoa meeting - tonight

Posted 12 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Apologies for late notice -

Tena Koutou,
Invitation to all eco activists.

There is going to be a meeting for those interesting in establishing a Waikato group of the Coal Action Network Aotearoa. The Waikato is a huge region with considerable coal related activities and we are currently without an organised network to specifically respond to this. The meeting will be an introduction of ourselves and what organisations we might be representing or part of, and a bit of a discussion around what activities are happening in our region, with the goal of building a good local group.

When: THIS Friday 25th May
Time: 7pm
Where: Ground Floor, Main Library, University of Waikato

Please pass this on to any fellow activists who might be interested.



Hamilton Draft District Plan

Posted 12 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Closing date 1st June for comment

"Hamilton's Draft District Plan governs the way Hamilton looks and feels and sets the rules for development in the city.
It defines how and where the city grows, and how our natural and physical resources are managed according to the requirements of the Resource Management Act."

Have a look and let council know what you think. The new District plan will be out in October and submissions can be made then, but get in now to have your say at an early stage.

Examine the key principles -

Two key principles with the Draft District Plan are:

  • Towards a more liveable city - high quality urban design (tick) 
  • Growing smarter, getting better - managing growth efficiently and effectively (what does this mean?)


AGM reminder/ "Our Seeds"

Posted 12 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

You are invited to the Waikato Environment Centre's AGM 2012

Tuesday 29th May 2012

Waikato Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, Hamilton

Everyone welcome

Starting at 5.30 Drinks and nibbles

6pm Special General Meeting

6.15pm AGM

7pm Speaker: Dr Mark Goodwin

“The importance of bees to our way of life and the increasing number of threats facing them”
Mark is the Team Leader, Pollination and Agriculture, at Plant and Food Researc.

Nominations for new Trustees must be received 24 hours before the AGM date.

RSVP to Lee Kimber, Administrator,  Waikato Environment Centre, admin@envirocentre.org.nz or phone 839 4452


New resource avaliable from WEC library

"Our Seeds: Seeds Blong Yumi"

Seedsavers have produced a film "celebrating the keepers of the seed:  the farmers and garderners in the Pacific who preserve and share the source of our diverse food heritage.  It shows that common threats to food quality and health have local solutions."
