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Nappy Lady Coffee Groups (x2) and a Workshop this Friday 16 March 2012; Free workshop: Trapping, Baiting and Monitoring for Success; 2012 Volunteer Excellence Awards open for nominations.

Posted 12 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Nappy Lady Coffee Groups

this Friday 16 March 2012

(Cambridge and Hamilton)

Join 'The Nappy Lady' and her team of cloth nappy avengers for coffee and investigate modern cloth nappies. Loads of prizes to give away.  Free, everyone welcome.

11am: 6 B Madison Street, Cambridge (up a shared driveway, please park on street).

2 – 3pm:  The Verandah, Lake Domain Drive, Hamilton Lake Domain, Hamilton

  And for more indepth information about using cloth nappies, book into:

Nappy Lady’s cloth nappy workshop

6:30pm - 8:30pm this Friday evening 16 March 2012

 River Ridge Birthing Centre, 35 Von Tempsky Street, Hamilton

The workshop will:

  • Show modern nappy options
  • Explain how different nappy styles work
  • Help you choose the best nappy for your baby and budget
  • Take home a free cloth nappy to try out.

 $15 per person (includes a free nappy valued at $20 - $40)

Bookings essential, email anita@thenappylady.co.nz to book your place.

Note: Green Card holders - The Nappy Lady/Nappy Days is a Green Card business: remember to mention your card in order to receive 10% off totsbots products at www.nappydays.co.nz


Free workshop: Trapping, Baiting and Monitoring for Success

2 - 5pm, Saturday 31 March 2012

89c Baldhill Road, between Waiuku and Pukekohe

Organised by Whakaupoko Landcare Group in liaison with the NZ Landcare Trust.

Learn to

  • eliminate more possums, mustelids and rats
  • use a range of possum kill traps and bait stations
  • locate traps to get the best results

Bring boots that don’t mind walking a couple of kilometres and enjoy a stroll in the bush.

Pot luck BBQ afterwards. Bring food and drink.

RSVP by Wednesday 28 March 2012 to Moira Cursey 07 846 5066, 0272 223 791, m.cursey@xtra.co.nz

Day will go ahead unless heavy rain. If workshop is postponed to the following day (Sunday 1 April 2012), a notice will be posted on www.patumahoe.org.nz and Moira can be contacted on her mobile before 12noon.


 2012 Volunteer Excellence Awards

 Nominate Now!! Nominations close Monday 16 April 2012

Express your thanks to the volunteers that give so much to our organisations and to our communities. Nominations available in 3 categories:

  • Volunteer of the Year
  • Volunteer of the Year (Youth Award)
  • Team Excellence Award

Print off the attached nomination form or submit nominations online: www.volunteeringwaikato.org.nz

For more information: www.volunteeringwaikato.org.nz, admin@volunteeringwaikato.org.nz or call Liddy or Heather 07 839 3191

Awards are open to all volunteers within the Greater Waikato - organisations need not be members of Volunteering Waikato in order to nominate.

Land Use Change Effects on River Ecosystems; Planting-by-the-Moon Wheel; Maui's Dolphin update

Posted 12 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

1pm Friday 16 March 2012

University of Waikato, Room S.1.01

“Land Use Change Effects on River Ecosystems”

Dr Jason Julian (2012 Fulbright Fellow, Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, University of Oklahoma http://geography.ou.edu/lcluc/)

Broad-scale changes in land use have a range of consequences for river ecosystems.  In this seminar, Dr Julian discusses land use change impacts on catchment runoff, floodplain vegetation, channel geometry, light regimes, and in-stream primary productivity, using several case studies in the eastern half of the United States.  He will demonstrate how land use affects catchment water runoff across the eastern Piedmont, and describes how land use change has affected floodplain vegetation and river channel geometry along the Canadian River, a large floodplain-river system in eastern Oklahoma.  Lastly he shows how these changes in hydrology and geomorphology from land use change impact light regimes and primary productivity in three river systems in central Wisconsin.  He will also discuss research he is conducting in New Zealand focusing on water quality trends associated with land use change over the past 20 years.


Here at the Waikato Environment Centre (Level One, 25 Ward Street, Hamilton) we've just placed an order for

Planting-by-the-Moon "wheel" calendars 

who'd like one ??


Maui's Dolphins - update

Whiangaroa Environment Centre's popular "Maui's Dolphin Day" last Saturday (10 March 2012) helped link groups and individuals working towards safer seas for Maui's dolphins.

By chance, within the next few days a small number of Maui's were filmed bow-riding a fishing boat off Manu Point, Raglan.

Unfortunately Maui's are still on the brink of extinction: a study in 2005 estimated 111 Maui's dolphins exist, however the Department of Conservation now believes only 55 adult Maui’s dolphins are left. As a result, the Department plans to extend set-net bans on the West Coast, and to bring forward by 1 year the review of the Threat Management Plan for both Maui’s and Hectors dolphins.  Read more here.


GREEN CARD HOLDERS: remember to use your Green Card!! (click here for a full list of participating businesses).

To learn more about becomeing a member of Waikato Environment Centre, and about the Green Card scheme, click here.

Long Term Stay on Organic Permaculture Farm; Reminder re: Waikato Biodiversity Forum: Walk, Bike and Bush Picnic

Posted 12 years, 10 months ago    12 comments


Liz and Rick have a vacancy for 1-2 people to stay, work, and learn for 12 months from early May 2012.  They offer stays for a whole year to experience a full round of seasons on their organic farm. Shorter stays considered but ideally not less than 6 months.

The arrangement is based on Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (“woofing”) guidelines ie 20 hours’ work per week in return for full board including wireless internet.

Liz and Rick are a family of four, plus dog and cats, living on a small block 5km from Raglan and about 8km from surf.  They grow a variety of crops as well as food forests and small animals. This produced is mostly sold locally including at the monthly Raglan market and soon Cambridge/Hamilton farmers markets. Their basil pesto made with local ingredients is well-known locally.

Accommodation is a large open plan loft space with electricity. Kitchen and bathroom facilities are shared with the family. They like to share meals together. Much of the available food is from the land or purchased from an organic food co-op. They are omnivores but can accommodate other diets.

If interested in this opportunity please email: lizrick@slingshot.co.nz


Reminder: Waikato Biodiversity Forum: Walk, Bike and Bush Picnic


Saturday 17 March 2012

Walk or cycle beside the Kaniwhaniwha Stream, Te Pahu and along the Nikau Track (Mount Pirongia) while enjoying beautiful native bush and restoration plantings.

AND go on a guided walk to explore caves, find out what’s in the stream and watch electric fishing (weather permitting), learn about the birds and plants of the forest, and hunt to find bush treasures.

Sausage sizzle provided along with drink and snack bar.

Bring additional water and picnic lunch.

Shared transport available from Hamilton to Kaniwhaniwha Stream

Bookings by 14 March 2012 to Moira Cursey m.cursey@xtra.co.nz, 07 846 5066, 0272223791

If weather is wet, call 0800 BIO DIV (0800 246 348) before 8.30am for notification of cancellation.



Yet more about electric bikes...

Posted 12 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Hamilton Permaculture Trust member Rana Hay loves her Volto electric bicycle ("e-bike").  Note the second-hand lockable bike luggage carrier bolted to the rear. The e-bike's battery sits along the seat post - just by Rana's left hand.  

If you'd like to try an e-bike, then do please visit us at Waikato Environment Centre (Level One, 25 Ward Street, Hamilton).

Click for more information about Volto e-bikes.


Poultry Grit and Worm Tea

Posted 12 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Here at the Waikato Environment Centre (Level One, 25 Ward Street, Hamilton) we have poultry grit available for $3 per 1kg bag. Feel free to pay and collect from us between 10am - 4pm Mon-Fri.  Cash or EFTPos (no credit cards, sorry).

We also have a supply of 'worm tea' still available - first in, first served!

Reminder: Project Echo’s “Bat Fun Day”:

Posted 12 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Reminder: Project Echo’s “Bat Fun Day”

Saturday 10 March 2012, 10am - 12 noon

Hammond Park, Riverlea, Hamilton

Take a daylight tour of Hamilton’s best-kept secret - where long-tailed bats play at night, wetas creep in the undergrowth, eels slither through tunnels and glowworms sparkle like stars... not forgetting big-eyed noctural predators!

But what happens during the daytime?

Humans: come out to celebrate, and do your bit for our wild nightlife. Come see remaining bat houses erected by specialised arborists, plant your own eco-sourced seedlings, and get creative in a batty kind of way.

BYO picnic and sun block.

See attached flyer for more information.

Bat Fun Day.pdf



More Electric Bikes

Posted 12 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Brian from More Moblity Hamilton today left us with a new electric bike to try: the Volto TDF03 Zhttp://www.volto.co.nz/electric-bike-volto-tdf03z.html

It's available for everyone to trial - if you'd like to give electric bikes a go then come on down to our offices between 10am - 4pm Mon-Fri at Level One, 25 Ward Street, Hamilton for the key (and helmet).

Incidentally, we've now trialled the following electric bikes:

Wisper 705seL.  http://www.wisperbikes.com/705sel.php  Wisper is a UK-based company and therefore is obliged by EU regulations to retail only 'pedal assist' electric bikes (the battery cannot be engaged "at will" and instead kicks in only if the pedals are turned). Nice design, rides well. If you fancy trialling a Wisper then contact Sam at Evolution Cycles (99 Kent Street, Hamilton) 07 847 2325 or info@evolutioncycles.co.nz

Flying Cat "Wynd" http://www.burkescycles.co.nz/prod/m100/fcw.html Flying Cat is a French company, so again is bound by EU reglations thus their range of bikes is also 'pedal assist'. The "Wynd" is collapsible - handy if you're often using trains/buses, or need to throw the bike in your car's boot, or even store it indoors at the office. Flying Cat also make traditional 'fixed' bikes. Contact Arnaud 021 147 1660 flyingcatnz@gmail.com

eZee bikes "Liv" and "Sprint"http://www.ezeebike.com/eZeebike.htm eZee are Canadian, and thus able to provide 'throttle' control of the battery - you can pedal, or use the throttle to add power, or both.

NZ legislation regarding electric bikes is fairly sensible - if the battery has an output of under 300W (which all the above bikes do) then the electric bike is treated as if it were a push bike: WOF/driver's licence not required, but all road rules applicable to cyclists must be obeyed.


Waikato Show 2012

Posted 12 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Calling all Waikato Environmental Community Groups – our opportunity to show the community what we do!
Waikato Show – 2012
Friday to Sunday 27 – 29th April

Thursday – set up day
Friday 12:00pm - 8:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 8:00pm
Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm

Planning is well under way for our part of the Waikato Show at Claudelands Event Centre. The theme for our area is the Waikato River.

Waikato Environment Centre are taking this opportunity help groups to increase awareness of environmental issues in the Waikato area, and  raise public awareness of the work that environmental community groups are doing, from rural through to coastal regions to deal with those issues.

This will be a major opportunity to showcase what your group is doing. There will be a large and varied family audience coming through - make the most of it!
Please find attached a word document with more information about what we are doing for the show, and a form for your group to fill in and return so that we have an idea of who's coming and what you will need.
This is an indication of intent only at this stage - so please try and return this to me as soon as possible, or if you have any queries get back to me



Waikato Show.doc
