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Waiwhakareke working day, Coastal Clean-up, Permaculture Certificate, Organic Gardening, Maui's Dolphins Visual Petition

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Friday 17 February 2012 

Friends of Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park - weeding and sorting plants 

Tamahere Gully Nursery, Devine Road, Tamahere (next to Tamahere Primary School Hall)

9am -12noon

There is a lot to do! BYO morning tea and willing friends.
Queries: Maxine Fraser 07 8551968 or <forestgarden@xtra.co.nz>


Saturday 3 March 2012

Sustainable Coastlines’ Great Coromandel Coastal Clean-up

During last year's Great Coromandel Coastal Clean-up nearly 2 shipping containers of rubbish were removed from around Coromandel Town. This year both sides of the Peninsula are involved. 
Volunteers and boat-owners are invited to show up at the following locations between 10am - 2pm Saturday 3 March 2012;

  • In Coromandel Town at Long Bay (look for blue flags and big black converted shipping container: the Sustainable Coastlines Education Station).
  • In Whangamata or Pauanui at the Surf Life Saving Clubs
  • at the Whitianga Wharf
  • or in Thames at Kuranui Bay Reserve

Clean-up equipment provided.
To register go to www.sustainablecoastlines.org or contact Ryley Webster 021 040 9014 or ryley@sustainablecoastlines.org

If you wish to use your boat during the cleanup, contact Sam Judd sam@sustainablecoastlines.org or 021 058 9349.

Money donations can be made at www.sustainablecoastlines.org

Free outdoor movie-screening 7.30pm Friday 2 March 2012 at Long Bay, just north of Coromandel Town. BYO picnic and deck chair. Saturday 3 March 2012 afternoon live music and a gold coin donation BBQ – a great chance to get together and celebrate the effort.


2012 Modular Permaculture Design Certificate

Run over 12 weekends throughout 2012, the modules will be held at a variety of sites throughout the Waikato enabling participants to view different levels of permaculture in practice. 

Participants wishing to complete the Certificate must attend the first module at the beginning of the course but can complete the Certificate over 2 years and attend modules in other regions. It is also possible to partake as a part-time participant without receiving the Certificate.

Full details attached.

2012 pamphlet.doc

Contact :Hamilton Permaculture Trust 07 834 2249, 0211390935 or permaham@actrix.co.nzwww.hamiltonpermaculture.org


Organic Gardening Course

Presented by Hamilton Permaculture Trust
Tuesday mornings 6, 13, 20, and 27 March 2012, 10am – 12am

Some topics covered:

  • Requirements for a vegetable garden
  • Composting & worm farming
  • Natural pest & disease control
  • Companion  & rotational planting
  • No-dig gardening & mulching
  • Seed saving

Bookings: phone Waimarie Community House 07 858 3453
FEE: $40


"Lets Face It" Visual Petition campaign for  Maui's Dolphins
and help wanted with website

VP (“visual petition’) is a photograph of a human participant with an image of a cetacean.

Peggy Oki (Origami Whales Project Founder and Director) is coordinating a VP campaign for Maui's Dolphins and aims to expand her VP into a large scale nationwide/international effort. This link gives an idea of how Peggy envisages her VP banner could look: http://www.visualpetition.com/slippages/petitionwall.php

Peggy also created Facebook group "Hector's & Maui's SOS".

Peggy is seeking help from someone with web tech skills to set up a site that will accommodate the VP campaign images. Contact Peggy via e-mail: <peggyo@peggy-oki.com>

 Previous examples of Peggy’s work:





Public Meeting tomorrow Friday 13 January 2012, Forest & Bird Raglan outing, World Wetlands Day event, Funding Application Deadlines

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

reminder re: Public Meeting tomorrow Friday 13 January 2012 12.30pm - 2pm at Reception Lounge, Hamilton City Council building, Garden Place, Hamilton

to discuss and obtain further information regarding the Proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, and the Proposed Solid Waste Bylaw 2012.

Further information: www.hamilton.co.nz/consultation


“Raglan Combo”

9.30am Sunday 12 February 2012

Outing organised by Forest & Bird but open to public.

Gather 9.30am at fire station on Wainui Road, Raglan (left from Bow Street).

Morning: walk 2½ - 3 hours from Ngarunui beach, visiting two sites of conservation interest.

Afternoon: please yourself! Options include kayaking, biking, stand-up paddle boards, museum, or latte/lunch in local cafes. Kayaks, mountain bikes, and stand-up paddle boards available for hire in Raglan.

Further information: contact Helen (07 825 8555) or Jon (07 855 8852).


World Wetlands Day event

9am - 3pm  Sunday 12 February 2012

Lake Ngaroto (between Ohaupo and Te Awamutu)

Access from SH 3: take Ngaroto Road onto Paterangi Road, and then onto Bank Road.  From SH39, take Meadway Road/Paterangi Road, then onto Bank Road.

A range of activities for a fun family day, organised by Waipa District Council and supported by National Wetland Trust.   Try out rowing or fishing under expert guidance, take a guided wetland walk, and learn the site’s cultural history.

Further details contact Tony Roxburgh: 07 872 0030


Funding Application Deadlines

Community Well Being Grant 2012 is now open. Applications due no later than 4pm, Friday 30 March 2012:  Application forms and guidelines available from: http://hamilton.co.nz/communityfunding

Applications to Envirofund must be made no later than Friday 30 March 2012. Application forms and guidelines available from: www.hamilton.co.nc/enviorfund

Bike Wise February 2012 Hamilton Events

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Crawshaw/Nawton Bike Wise Day

12pm - 1:30pm Sunday 12 February 2012

Dominion Road Reserve, Nawton, Hamilton

Cycle challenges, music, face painting, free bike checks, food and iceblocks for sale.

Bring bike, helmet, picnic and closed shoes.

More information, contact Kevin Hogg, 021 317 079


A Talk by Roger Geller

12 pm - 1pm, Friday 17 February 2012

Reception Lounge, main Hamilton City Council building, Garden Place, Hamilton

HCC invites you to hear Roger Geller, bicycle coordinator for the City of Portland, United States of America, deliver his keynote speech made at the 2012 Walking and Cycling Conference (Hastings). Roger's key messages includes an explanation of how investing in infrastructure for cycling saved Portland tens of millions of dollars in road expansion projects that would otherwise have been necessary to prevent severe congestion.

Tea & coffee provided.

More information: Gethin Morgan 07 958 5965


Mayoral Challenge

10:30am - 1pm Sunday 19 February 2012

Garden Place, Hamilton

Follow Mayor Julie Hardacker around Hamilton's CBD on your bike and lap up the festivities in Garden Place. This is Hamilton's 4th Mayoral Challenge and is set to be the biggest and best yet!  Music, cycle challenges, face painting and much more.

Bring bike, helmet, and closed shoes.

More information: Steve Taylor 021 240 9782


Hamilton East Bike Wise Day

12pm - 2pm Sunday 26 February 2012

Steele Park, Grey Street, Hamilton

Cycle challenges, music, face painting, free bike checks...and have a go at unicycling!

Bring: bike, helmet, picnic and closed shoes.

More information: Sarah Oliver 021 942 922

World in Transition: A Social Contract for Sustainability, Governance Training, Thames Heritage Week

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

11am Thursday, 23 February 2012

University of Waikato, Block S, Room S.1.03

Professor Schlacke will speak regarding the flagship report from German Advisory Council on Global Change (“WBGU”):

World in Transition: A Social Contract for Sustainability

The Council’s report elaborates on the technological potential for comprehensive decarbonisation that is available, outlines business and financing models for the transition, and points out that political instruments needed for a climate friendly transformation are widely known.  The Council also describes how the requisite transformation encompasses profound changes to infrastructures, production processes, regulation systems and lifestyles, and extends to a new kind of interaction between politics, society, science and the economy. Various multi-level path dependencies and obstacles must be overcome. Furthermore, the transformation can only succeed if nation states put global cooperation mechanisms before their own short-term oriented interests, in order to make a trend reversal, particularly as far as the global economy is concerned, towards climate-friendliness and sustainability possible. And not least, from a global perspective, this is also about issues of fairness – issues that need resolving. To view the report http://www.waikato.ac.nz/law/

Sabine Schlacke is a Professor of Public Law, specialising German, European and International Environmental and Administrative Law at Bremen University.



 9 am - 4 pm Monday 27 February 2012

Community Waikato

33 Victoria Street, Hamilton

Boards that make a difference – a board of a not-for-profit organisation can build or break an organisation.  Learn:

  • Simple tips and strategies that can make a board a key asset.
  • What board members need to do to make their contribution to the organisation effective and valued.
  • Strategic thinking, working with management, running effective meetings and how to be the board member that every board wants.

Lunch and morning and afternoon tea provided. Please advise of dietary requirements.

Not-for-Profit community organisation members $90. Otherwise $160.






Dietary requirements…………………………………………………………………….

To reserve your place, payment must be made no later than 21 February 2012.

Invoice provided upon receipt of registration. Community Waikato’s account number is 03-1559 0071285-00 - please reference your organisation’s name when making a deposit.

No parking in Community Waikato staff parking area. Parking available next door ($5 for the day, bring coins).

Further details: contact Sally 07 8381583 or sally@communitywaikato.org.nz


Thames Heritage Week

9 - 18 March 2012

More than 40 events including guided walks, men’s shed tours, markets, cooking demonstrations, dinner theatre, music and entertainment – including historical methods for fabrics, adapted for today’s ecological need to recycle, re-use, re-invent or be earth-friendly.

We particularly noted, amongst the many local and sustainability orientated activities and events, the Eco expo at Moanataieri School - everything about organic and sustainable living. The emphasis is on turning back the clock to traditional food and technologies to help sustain us in the future.  Expo includes food and produce stalls, clothing, transport alternatives, fuels, building information, power and water systems and much more.

And this year Thames Heritage Market will join the weekly Saturday Market in Grahamstown to make it one big event celebrating the 2012 Thames Heritage Week. 

For a complete list of activities go to thameheritage.co.nz or phone Rex Simpson 0212650900 or email rexsimpson@hotmail.com.

Update: proposed National Policy Statement (NPS), Landcare Conference Conference - Single Day Registration, Practical Bee Keeping Course

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Update: proposed National Policy Statement (NPS) on Indigenous Biodiversity

A total of 426 submissions was received.  A summary of submissions is now available on the Ministry for Environment website www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/biodiversity/proposed-nps-indigenous-biodiversity-summary-of-submissions/

MfE is now in the process of preparing a report and recommendations on the proposed National Policy Statement for the Minister for the Environment to consider.

Queries regarding the proposed Statement should be directed to the Ministry at biodiversity@mfe.govt.nz


National Landcare Conference & Catchment Management Conference - Single Day Registration

If Landcare group members are unable to attend both days of the conference, then a single day registration option is now available - single day delegate rate is $200 (community and Landcare group members rate $100). Single day rate excludes formal dinner on Wednesday 29 February 2012.

Register to secure your place: http://www.landcare.org.nz/What-s-On?eventID=3  

Full details of Conference: http://www.landcare.org.nz/Conference


Practical Bee Keeping Course

Hamilton's Fraser High School  is again offering a practical bee keeping course instructed by the very knowledgeable Marcia Meehan. Course dates: 7pm – 9pm Monday 27 February 2012 (for 6 weeks)

Costs and full details: http://www.fraser.school.nz/ace/index.php?categoryID=19


Forest and Bird Talk, Community Garden BBQ and Community Day, Vacancy: Community Garden Mentor

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Forest and Bird Talk

"Denniston Plateau imminent mining threat"

7.30pm Thursday 9 February 2012

Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens, Hamilton

Kevin Hackwell, Advocacy Manager for Forest and Bird highlights major issues faced in the Denniston Plateau.  Find out about plans to mine this unique landscape and how you can support Forest and Bird’s opposition to the destruction.


Community Garden BBQ and Community Day

9am - 3pm Sunday 12 February 2012 (rain day 19 February 2012)

Vogel Street, Cambridge - beside Resthaven

Come along, enjoy some food, and meet some of the people in your community.

Help create a community garden! We welcome your ideas and help.No gardening experience required. Bring a hat and garden tools if you have any. Children welcome.

Sausages and refreshments provided.

Further details: Sustainable Cambridge Inc.07 823 7433, info@sustainablecambridge.co.nz


Vacancy: Community Garden Mentor part-time, fixed-term

Waikato International Community Gardening Project, (“WIC” – see http://ooooby.ning.com/group/wic) is looking for a community garden mentor until the end of 2012 (15hours/week).


  • In depth food gardening knowledge and experience
  • Great people skills
  • Experience working with culturally diverse groups
  • Interest for working in community gardens

For more information and full job description contact Talei at K’aute Pasifika Services 07 834 1482, Talei@kautepasifika.org.nz

Applications close 9am Tuesday 14 February 2012. Send CV and your possible start date to: Talie at K’aute Pasifika Services; P.O. Box 285 Hamilton or Talei@kautepasifika.org.nz

Right House's Low Income Insulation Project, and Royal Society of New Zealand Lecture - TOMORROW 1 FEBRUARY 2012.

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Unquenchable: America’s water crisis and what to do about it

Professor Robert Glennon, University of Arizona

 6.00pm Wednesday 1 February 2012

Concert Chamber, Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, University of Waikato (via Gates 1, 2, 2b - Knighton Road, Hamilton)

Professor Robert Glennon discusses the contents of his book “Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What To Do About It” - the heady extravagances and everyday waste that are sucking the USA dry.

USA’s water woes will worsen before they get better because the USA is slow to change its ways, and because water is an overlooked resource. The USA's love affair with biofuels will turn to heartbreak once the USA realizes  thousands of gallons of water are required to produce a gallon of fuel. Professor Glennon argues that the USA cannot engineer its way out of this problem. The USA must make hard choices — Professor Glennon's answer is a provocative market-based system that values water as a commodity and a fundamental human right. Professor Glennon’s answers have a global context and resonate with issues being faced in New Zealand.

Robert Glennon is Morris K. Udall Professor of Law and Public Policy at Rogers College of Law at University of Arizona and the author of articles and books including Water Follies: Groundwater Pumping and the Fate of America’s Fresh Waters.

Further information contact: brent.clothier@plantandfood.co.nz



Right House are an approved ENERGYWISE Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart programme provider, and are running a programme to install free insulation in up to 2000 homes in the South Auckland and Hamilton areas.

Qualifying requirements:

  • ·         Homeowner or tenant of the property must have a Community Services Card
  • ·         The home is pre-2000
  • ·         Not a State House
  • ·         Both the ceiling and under floor can be insulated.

If you'd like to benefit from the offer then contact Right House directly on 0800 744 484 before the end of February 2012. If this programme is oversubscribed then Right House can put your details on a waiting list for future projects of this nature which they hope to run.

If you don’t qualify for this programme, then you may still qualify for government subsidy of up to 33% of the cost of installing ceiling and underfloor insulation (up to a maximum of $1300 incl GST).  For further information visit http://www.righthouse.co.nz/"


Royal Society of New Zealand Lecture

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

7.30 pm Wednesday 7 March 2012

Waikato University, S block, Room S.G.01

"Ever green but seeing red? Deciphering the palette of New Zealand’s flora"

Speaker: Professor Kevin S. Gould (School of Biological Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington)

The same pigments adorning dying leaves of deciduous trees are abundant in shoots and roots throughout NZ's flora, and have begun to yield intriguing scientific stories.  In some instances the pigments serve as visual signals that warn approaching herbivores that the plants are well defended. In others they effectively camouflage shoots against the background colours of the forest understory. Red pigments also appear to protect plants from the onslaught of numerous environmental stressors such as strong light, UVB, drought, and free radical attacks. This RSNZ lecture uses interactive digital technologies and involves audience participation to unravel these unique New Zealand stories.

Waikato University, S block, Room S.G.01 - Entry via Gate 1 on Knighton Road, Hamilton, or Gate 8 on Hillcrest Road, Hamilton. Waikato University campus map: http://www.waikato.ac.nz/contacts/map.pdf.


