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BP vouchers for volunteers

Posted 13 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

BP Vouchers for Volunteers 2011

Applications will be accepted between 20th June – 15th July 2011.

Every day, thousands of volunteers give up their spare time to the communities they live in and help others who are less fortunate.  These volunteers are an essential part of New Zealand society.  If you’re a volunteer, then we want to help you reduce costs.

Since 2006, BP Vouchers for Volunteers has recognised these efforts by donating thousands of BP fuel vouchers to organisations that have volunteers working in our local communities.  BP New Zealand recognises that the cost of running vehicles has a big impact on these community organisations, so we want to do our bit to help out.

To find out if your organisation is eligible to apply, simply visit us online at www.bp.co.nz. 

BP New Zealand supports a wide range of sponsorship initiatives and investment projects in the community. BP Vouchers for Volunteers is our way of assisting volunteers and supporting local New Zealanders.

Waiwhakareke and Riverlea working days, NZ bird survey

Posted 13 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 25 June  2011

Friends of Waiwhakareke Working Morning
Time:   9am-12midday
Meet on Bavistock Road entrance beside the Park sign.

Bring gumboots, spades, gloves and morning  tea.   

We will be planting in gaps (infill planting).  We can also plant along the fence area parallel to Baverstock Road, near the entrance plantings from last year, depending on numbers of volunteers attending. We would like to create a more defined track between the existing plantings and the stock fence.
Any enquiries: Moira Cursey 07-846-5066

Also on Saturday 25th June

Calling all Riverlea supporters

We are having a big working bee 1pm to 3pm on Saturday 25 June to plant 1400 native seedlings in the open area near the northern end of the Hammond Bush boardwalk.
This is the culmination of two or three years' work clearing the area and suppressing bamboo and other persistent weeds.

If you're able to help please let me know by return email so that we can get some ideas of numbers.

Contact: Dr Stephen Hamilton, Chairperson
Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated
Tel. +64 7 856 8355

25 June to 3rd July

NZ Garden Bird Survey

Do you have a spare hour to sit and enjoy your garden?

Landcare Research, Forest and Bird and the Ornitholgical Society of NZ are asking the public to help once again in spotting birds in NZ gardens.Easy to do - just spend an hour noting the birds coming into your garden and record the largest number of each species which you see or hear at any one time.

Brochures in the Environment Centre to fill in or go to the website

Charities Commission Waikato Forum

Posted 13 years, 2 months ago    64 comments

12 July 2011

Waikato’s Regional Forum for charities

Following the success of last years, forum the Waikato’s capacity builders network and The Charities Commission would like to invite you to this years forum. This forum has been created to celebrate the success of the sector, and will have facilitated discussions in the morning session, lead by representatives from Community Waikato.
The morning session entitled “Supporting the strength of the sector” will include some useful tips for your tool kit, such as:

• Profiling your charity – telling your story on how your charity makes a difference in the community

• Getting the best from people – how to effectively manage your most valuable resource. Best practice Human resource and knowledge from the sector will be shared during this session.

 There will also be one-hour ‘opt-in’ sessions in the afternoon covering:

• Annual Returns online – a practical session to help you file Returns online and on time

• Internal disputes – why do they happen and what you can do to prevent them?

• Governance – understanding how your Board can work better

We will also be launching the Open Data programme and our new Officer’s Kit.


For a copy of the programme click and to book your place click here

Invitations to the regional forums will be sent by email to the contact person for each registered charity. Bookings are essential.

Venue and time: 9am Central Hamilton Baptist Church, 33 Charlemont St, Hamilton

 Email any questions to education@charities.govt.nz or call 0508 242 748.

Riverlea Environment Society - major working bee to plant 1400 natives seedlings in Hammond Bush

Posted 13 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Calling all Riverlea supporters

Riverlea Environment Society is having a working bee 1pm to 3pm on Saturday 25 June to plant 1400 native seedlings in the open area near the northern end of the Hammond Bush boardwalk. 
This is the culmination of two or three years' work clearing the area and suppressing bamboo and other persistent weeds.
If you're able to help please email riverlea.soc@gmail.com so that they can get some ideas of numbers.

Dr Stephen Hamilton
Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated
46 Chesterman Road  Riverlea  Hamilton 3216  New Zealand


Sustainable Cambridge - Fencing Workshop

Posted 13 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Farm Fencing for Beginners
A fully hands-on practical one day workshop

Sunday June 19th 2011

9am to 3pm

Cambridge Community Garden site

Vogel Street (entrance behind Resthaven Retirement Village)


  • This workshop is ideal for D.I.Y.  lifestyle block owners wanting to up skill and fence their own properties safely and securely.

  • Proceeds from the fees go towards fencing materials for the Cambridge Community Garden which is a Sustainable Cambridge project

  • Tutor – Greg Burton hails from a sheep farming family in Tarankai. With 30 plus years fencing experience. His work as a shepherd, shearer and fencer has taken him all over the country from Stewart Island to the Far North. Notably Greg was the post contractor for Maungatautiri Ecological Park, respected for his eye for detail and a wealth of experience, you will be hard pressed to find a better tutor for this workshop.   

  • Please bring your own lunch and snacks.  Tea & Coffee provided on the day.
  • Workshop limited to 10 people on a first come, first served basis.
  • Meet at the Cambridge Community Garden site, Vogel St, Cambridge @ 9am sharp.
  • Held by Sustainable Cambridge
    P O Box 1173, Cambridge
    Tel: 07 823 7433  
    Email: info@sustainablecambridge.co.nz

$35 per person

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Please cut, complete and paste these details below and email to info@sustainablecambridge.co.nz.
 Bookings will only be accepted with payment.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Name/s:              _____________________________________

Email:                 _____________________________________

Home Tel:           ______________ Mobile ________________

Number of people attending       _______             

Amount Enclosed/Bank Deposit_______

I/we accept and agree with the Terms of Trade set out below. Please tick here: â–¡

Methods of payment - Direct bank credit: Kiwibank 389 009 0357170 00.  Please reference “Fencing Workshop”

Cheques:  To “Sustainable Cambridge”, post to PO Box 1173, Cambridge 3495.

Terms of Trade: Bookings will not be accepted without full payment. Bookings will be confirmed by email to the address stated above. If you are attending with others we suggest you forward the confirmation email to them. The workshop will go ahead rain, hail or shine. We reserve the right to refuse bookings. No refunds will be made for cancellations made after Monday 13th June 2011. The practical skills undertaken in this workshop can be hazardous; Sustainable Cambridge and its staff accept no responsibility for injury, loss or damage to attendees or their property.  You accept that your attendance is at your own risk.




Posted 13 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Waikato Botanical Society invite you to join us for an informative and  lively evening hearing Lucy Roberts talk about




When: This coming Monday 13th June, 5.30 pm – 7 pm

Where: Environment Centre, Level one, 25 Ward St, Hamilton


5.30pm start with a hot drink and introductions and notices, 6 – 7pm talk. For those who can stay following the talk we’ll have dinner at a nearby restaurant to continue the conversation. 


Lucy Roberts has worked for DOC for nine years at Türangi as a Biodiversity Ranger and then as a Technical Support Officer providing flora advice and support for the Tongariro/Whanganui/Taranaki Conservancy. Lucy has now joined DOC Waikato Area Office for a year as Programme Manager for the Whangamarino/ Waikato River Accord.

11th July: Catherine Bryan and Fiona Clarkson discuss their findings from their recent masters research
8th August, 12 September, 10th October, 14th November and 12 December are dates for more early evening botanical meetings.

Any queries please contact Cynthia Roberts, email: croberts@doc.govt.nz; 8581043 (day) 8581034 (evening).

Arbor Day planting at Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park

Posted 13 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Friday 3rd June, 10.00am

Come to the BIG DIG!!

Grab a spade and gumboots, jump on the bus, bring your mates and come help plant 30000 plants!

Massive planting project at Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park.
This is an invitation to you or your organisation to come and join us and 3000 others plant 30000 native plants for the “BIG DIG”!

At  Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park, Brymer Road (opposite Hamilton Zoo)
Why: to plant 30,000 native plants to help this restoration project with 3000 people! (see link www.waiwhakareke.co.nz)

 HCC is providing buses for participants at strategic locations throughout the city. Caro St, (by HCC building), Ruakura Innovation Park, WINTEC City Campus, University Campus (on campus outside shops), Landcare Research/NIWA Silverdale Rd, Dinsdale shops Whatawhata Rd and outside Bunnings Te Rapa Rd.

Attached is an aerial location map showing details of where we meet and some information relating to the site.

If you or your group are interested in attending please register them for the day (this will allow us to see how we are going with numbers expected) Contact parksandgardens@hcc.govt.nz (not the Environment Centre!)

 On the day participants will need to bring;
- Planting Spade (large enough to dig a hole to plant a PB3 sized native plant)
- Sturdy footwear (e.g. gumboots + bag to put them in - saves the buses etc getting muddy!)
- Raincoat (The event will proceed if raining, unless a HEAVY RAIN WARNING is issued, please check weather and radio cancellation notices, HCC website on the day)
- Optional, old clothes (it could be wet and muddy!


Many thanks
Gerard Kelly
Community Planting Co-ordinator
Parks and Gardens Unit, HCC
DDI 07 838 6501
Mobile 021 286 2066
Email gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.nz



Reminder! Waikato Environment Centre AGM today

Posted 13 years, 3 months ago    0 comments


Tuesday 24th May 2011


In the Environment Centre, 25 Ward Street.

Everyone is welcome to attend our AGM -come and support your Environment Centre!

5.30 Mix and Mingle
6pm AGM

Followed by: Guest speaker - Associate Professor Eva Collins of the University of Waikato Management School

"Sustainability - Not Just an Add-on"

Traditionally, passionate people who wanted to make the world a better place would start a charity or found a non-profit group to sell the idea of change.  Today, a growing group of people are using a new business model to sell products that change the world while making a profit.

Dr Collins has researched sustainable enterprises and the uptake of sustainable practices by more than 700 New Zealand businesses and will be using some New Zealand examples of ‘ecopreneurs’ who have built their businesses by redefining their product and adding to the social fabric.”

“Ecopreneurs know we can’t follow the same models and expect to find better solutions. They are the necessary critical change agents using the power of commerce to create a sustainable future.”

Come and hear about some of the companies in New Zealand looking for those better solutions.

For more information and nomination form please contact

Katherine Hay
Environment Centre Hamilton

PO Box 19104, Hamilton

Ph 839 4452 Fax 839 4454 
