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Posted 13 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Working Bee this Saturday 9th April, rain or shine!

Come and have a look and lend a hand, The aim of the day is to remove undesirable weed material from the gully reserve. This will enable natural regeneration of the native understorey to the existing of canopy of native trees, mostly planted and cared for by Dr Alwyn Seeley over the last 45 years.
Parking is available on Armagh and Argyle St as well as on Hamilton Boys High School Grounds off the end of Argyle St.

Meet end of Armagh St at 9 am for intro and briefing. Sausage and drinks at 12.30

The task The plan for the day is to remove as much as possible of the weeds, mainly Tradescantia (wandering jew/) some convolvulus and also some ivy. We are aiming to remove 60 tonnes of weeds, raise the profile of the area and generate support for ongoing restoration and improvements to the area; a model restoration to inspire new restorers

Hope to see you there, please bring fine weather as well as gardening gloves, gumboots (it is wet and muddy!), rakes, forks (for loading), wheelbarrows and sack barrows (for moving garden bags). We will also follow up this working bee in a few weeks with a tour and education day so will keep you posted

Tim Newton

Gully Restoration Officer
Parks & Gardens
Hamilton City Council
DDI 07 838 6878
Email tim.newton@hcc.govt.nz
Website: www.hamilton.co.nz


EW Draft Annual Plan presentation Wednesday

Posted 13 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

This Wednesday, 6th April

There will be a presentation from Environment Waikato staff, John Simmons and Katie Mayes  and Cnr Paula Southgate  in the Environment Centre on the 2011/2012 Draft Annual Plan.

As well as their core activities, Environment Waikato is looking to invest in new work streams, such as a regional carbon strategy and other ideas for activities which will "help the Waikato region to maximise the advantages of being part of the 'golden triangle' with Auckland and the Bay of Plenty"

So come along and hear what is planned so you are better informed when you put in your submission.

Submissions close 4pm on the 26th April.

There is a hard copy of the Draft Annual Plan in the Environment Centre if you want to have a look, or go to the EW website for the pdf or to view online.

Envirocare this month also covered the main issues and has a submission form in it.

Talk tomorrow at HCC

Posted 13 years, 9 months ago    1 comment

Wednesday 30 March

You are invited to a Mayoral Conversation with Dr. Samuel Charlton

“Building Better Drivers with Self-Explaining Roads”

Noon - 1pm, Reception Lounge, Hamilton City Council, Civic Square, Hamilton.

Dr. Samuel Charlton has over 25 years’ research experience in the areas of engineering psychology and human factors. Formerly the technical director of human factors and training issues for the US Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Centre, he moved to New Zealand in 1995. He is now an Associate Professor of Psychology and a director of the Traffic and Road Safety Research Group at the University of Waikato. In 2005 the NZ Automobile Association recognised his work by awarding its first-ever, Research Excellence Award.

This is an open invitation for you, your colleagues and interested parties to attend. RSVP is not required.







Gully events

Posted 13 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Last weekend's Seeley Gully event was postponed until the 9th April

It will be from 9 am to 12.30 followed by refreshments (sausage and cuppa) at the reserve in Armagh St. We will follow up the working bee with a tour of the reserves a couple of weeks later.
Enquiries to Tim Newton  ph 838 6878

3rd April

From the Tamahere Community Nursery workshop

There is a workshop on seed treatment and sowing of native plants at the Tamahere Community Nursery in Devine Road on Sunday 3 April between 1.30 and 3.30pm. This practical session on sowing seed will be taken by Wayne Bennett. You are welcome to bring seed you have collected along for sowing.
There are plenty of trays of seedlings that were sown last year ready for potting on so this is another task where many hands can make good progress.

Hope you can make it on Sunday afternoon.
Jan Simmons
for Ecosourced Waikato/Tamahere Gully Care

Vibrant Hamilton Trust nominations due 30th March

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Public Nominations to the Vibrant Hamilton Trust

(are we the last ones, or the first,  to hear about this?)

The Vibrant Hamilton Trust is a new registered Charitable Trust. It is a capital beneficiary of the Waikato Foundation Trust and its primary purpose is to fund projects that will:

* Promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of Hamilton and its communities, and/or;

* relieve poverty through sustainable policies and practices; and/or

* advance education in Hamilton, particularly to promote and advance economic standards for the benefit of the public generally; and/or

* deliver on the strategic aspirations of Hamilton city as identified by the community from time-to-time and endorsed by the Hamilton City Council.

The Trust consists of five members being Hamilton Mayor and four other persons appointed by Hamilton City Council who by their virtue of their community position, skills, qualifications or background are likely to enhance the operation and decision-making of the Trust.

Public nominations are being sought for two Trustee positions who meet the above criteria.

All nominations should include a letter of nomination and a CV, to reach Hamilton City Council by Wednesday 30 March 2011.

* Please address or email nominations to:

The Strategy & Research Unit

Attn: Vibrant Hamilton Trust, Administrator

Hamilton City Council

Private Bag 3010

Hamilton 3240

Email: strategy@hcc.govt.nz

For further information please contact Lisa Mitchell in the Strategy Unit on (07) 838 6642.


Posted 13 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Reminder - Envirofund closes next week - Thursday 31st March

Wanted - individuals, groups and community agencies seeking funding to undertake projects and initiatives to help support Hamilton’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy in creating an environmental sustainable city.
The Envirofund provides funds for projects that are generally outside Council's core responsibilities.

What types of projects are funded?

· Local environmental projects, seminars and workshops.

· Environmental research that could provide direct benefits to Hamilton's environment

· Educational or promotional activities that raise awareness about environmental issues

· Practical environmental initiatives that involve community participation or increase community involvement

 Innovative projects that really capture the public’s imagination are especially desired.

Be in quick!   Applications close 31 March 2011

To view application details, fund criteria and apply online visit www.hamilton.co.nz/Envirofund.

For further information please contact,
Tony Chandler
Phone 8386537

Waiwhakareke Working Day 26th March

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Time: 9am-12midday

Meet on Baverstock Road entrance beside the Park sign
Bring gumboots, spades, gloves and morning tea. We will be weeding and releasing plants.

Moira Cursey for Friends of Waiwhakareke

Any enquiries: Moira Cursey 07-846-5066

Working Days are held on the last Saturday morning of the month. If you want to be a regular at these events (but can't get to this one) and receive the newsletter please contact Moira.

Situation Vacant

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Custodian position available - Te Kauri Lodge, Kawhia

We have a unique opportunity for someone who may be contemplating a change of lifestyle, and who perhaps would be keen to spend a year or two living in the beautiful bush surroundings of Te Kauri Park Scenic reserve at Oparau, near Kawhia – less than 1 hour drive from Hamilton.

For lodge details see http://www.junats.org.nz/lodge.php

The Custodian position is open now and would ideally suit a retired or semi-retired couple with an interest in the bush and conservation, and with excellent customer relations and general handy-person skills. Some computer skills are also required. This is a live-in position with a 3-bedroom house provided on site for the successful applicant.

If you are interested in this position, or if you know of any other suitable candidates, please contact Mike Safey 07 855 1242 or Dave Matthews 07 846 4013, or email safey@clear.net.nz for further details and perhaps arrange a visit out to the Lodge.

We are keen to fill this position quickly to allow plenty of time for a smooth hand-over and to maintain a high standard of service and hospitality for our guests.

Mike Safey
Club President
Hamilton Junior Naturalist Club Inc. (Junats)

