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Posted 9 years, 1 month ago    0 comments







Saturday December 5th  9am to 1pm

Please join us at the Celebrating Age Centre 30 Victoria Street.



Te Kauri-Waikuku Trust AGM

4:30pm, Wed 9 December 2015

at Waikato Environment Centre 242Peachgrove Road Hamilton

Entry and Parking from Rear Door


Happy Seaweek 2016

Message from Maria Murphy, Seaweek Regional Coordinator, Waikato


Dear Supporters,

I am sending you this email and attachments because I am supporting Seaweek 2016 and I would like to share with you the influence the marine and sea environment has on the impact on our living and lifestyle.

Living in land, we are not able to have the sea round us in our back yards for those who don't have this great experience I once had in the growing up of my childhood up the Far North of New Zealand, but that does not mean I am deprived of going out to the coastlines to continue my love of the marine life.

I have been the Seaweek Regional Coordinator of Waikato for some years now and have only touched on a small amount of work thus far. Although this is a volunteer position, I receive so much more joy and advantage of mingling among the support this position has given me thus far.

I hope that I will be able to find some volunteer event coordinators among you who can continue with me and get this amazing programme into the hands of all Waikato to support with this worthy cause for the discovery lifestyles of the marine and marine life the eco-friendly world of the sea waters.

I am constantly searching for organisations, people who organise activities events who support during seaweed and join in with the activities, and events of NZAEE Seaweek when you contact us about the occasion we will acknowledge your activity and event or anything in relation to our theme on our website under Waikato and send you relative support, materials i.e. posters, materials etc.

Please keep me informed and please visit our website per information from the attachments.


Happy Seaweek 2016!

Maria Murphy, Regional Coordinator, Waikato

mobile: 027699 2001

landline: 07 8260 200507 8260 2005

email: kapaimaria@hotmail.com





Are you aged over 27 and would like to do an eight day Outward Bound adventure course, but have a mild physical limitation such as a back injury or joint problems? Outward Bound has scholarships worth over $2,030 for their Aspire course on 2-9 March, 2016.

Recipients will need to contribute $500 towards course costs. Work and Income clients may be eligible for a full subsidy. Call 0800 OUTWARD or visit Outward Bound Aspire for more information.

For more information, contact Lisa Joe, Joe Public Relations lisa@joepublic.co.nz or 021 326662021 326662







Resilient Communities - Future Living Conversation

Posted 9 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Resilient Communities - Future Living Conversation

7pm - 8.30 pm Thursday 26 November at the Environment Centre 242 Peachgrove Rd


How do you recognise a thriving, resilient community? The people within a thriving community feel cared for, acknowledged, and yearn to give back to their community There is a sense that the community becomes greater than the sum of the parts. Resilient communities are capable of bouncing back from adverse situations. They can do this by actively influencing and preparing for economic, social and environmental change.

Sounds good but how do we help create these types of communities? Come along to our conversation on Thursday and discuss how, with Clem from Waikato Time Bank, Chris Hattingh from Civil Defense, and Craig Taylor our local Community Constable.


Just RSVP Tania     tania@envirocentre.org.nz

And together let's encourage people focused communities.

P.S there is parking and an entrance at the back of the shop



Posted 9 years, 2 months ago    0 comments


New scholarships aimed at getting more Pacific people into the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics have been announced by Pacific Peoples Minister Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga.

The Toloa Scholarships aim to encourage Pacific people to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects at tertiary level and ultimately increase the number of Pacific people in those fields.

Up to four Toloa Scholarships of $25,000 over three years each, funded by the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs, will be offered each year to first year undergraduate and postgraduate Pacific students studying STEM-related papers.

Successful applicants will also be offered an industry internship in the final year of study.

“There are not enough Pacific people working in these fields. It is important that this workforce reflects the make-up of our general population. Our government has recognised the need to encourage young Pacific people into these sectors. That is why these scholarships have been set up,” Mr Lotu-Iiga says.

The Toloa Scholarships are open to Pacific peoples who are New Zealand citizens or permanent residents and who are or will be enrolled in a STEM-related full-time degree or course at an approved NZQA accredited tertiary provider in New Zealand for the 2016 academic year.

The name of the scholarship, “Toloa”, derives from the Tongan name for the Southern Cross. Navigators used the Toloa constellation to determine south when travelling between the islands of the Tongan Archipelago and beyond.

Applications for next year open today and close on 11 December 2015. For more information go to: www.pacificstem.org.nz

Media contact: Lucy Bennett 021 811 564021 811 564



"What We Know, What We Say and What We Do: Poverty, Inequality and Ethical Decision-making"


By Bryan Bruce

Thursday November 26th at 6pm, at the University of Waikato LG 01.

Bryan Bruce is the internationally acclaimed documentary maker, of "The Investigator" series and award winning documentary on poverty in New Zealand "Mind the Gap"

Co-sponsors are: "Hamilton Quakers", "University of Waikato" and "Closing the Gap."

Booklets of the lecture will be on sale for $10 cash only.

Directions: Enter the university via Gate 1 Knighton Rd. Park on the right. Walk towards the Chapel and University Rec Centre. LG 01 is to the upper left of the Campus shops.

For further information and inquiries, please contact Saskia Schuitemaker, saskia.schuitemaker@gmail.com  telephone  mobile: 0223202900 or 5602521 or Neville Robertson, scorpio@waikato.ac.nz or phone 021408558.



There is a petition underway "Countdown Supermarkets Progressive Enterprises: Stop wrapping vegetables and fruit in plastic wrap and styrofoam.."

Here's the link:





Next meeting will be at their place at 2 Kitchener Street, Claudelands.

Apologies for the short notice ... such is life ... however, the timing is good to plant seedlings for summer veg - tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, sweet corn, basil, lettuce, beans - is between the 15th and 27th November (using the biodynamic moon calendar - in the descending period).

We can swap our spares, grow some new varieties of tomato etc. and no problem if you don't have plants to swap, koha welcome.

And share some good gardening tips - bring along 1 great vegetable-growing tip or question!

I have a bunch of Moneymaker tomatoes and San Marzano tomatoes,(see Kings seeds for more info) marigolds and other seedlings looking for homes. Does anyone want any Motherwort plants?

See the HOGs Facebook page for an interesting photo of a swarm. Please remember to like the page and posts :)

HOGs Facebook page:

I'll add a notice on there for the meeting too.

Happy Organic Gardening

The 2016 EnviroExpo Prospectus is out!

Posted 9 years, 2 months ago    0 comments


The 2016 EnviroExpo Prospectus is out!

Inviting, interesting, enlivening, with a real community feel - that's what people said about the 2015 Enviroexpo. And the 2016 Enviroexpo will be even better. Located alongside the Education Hub, with a scrummy cafe in between, the 2016 Enviroexpo will have a unique focus on promoting 'Future Living Skills', Biodiversity and the latest and greatest technologies available to help us live more lightly!


Contact Jan  admin@envirocentre.org.nz  if you would like a copy of the prospectus. 

Urban Design and Living Module: Permaculture Design

21 November 2015, 9am- 5pm

Join us for Module 11 of the Modular Permaculture Design Certificate and learn about healthy and sustainable living in cities and towns.
Tutor: Antoinette Van Der Weerden
During the day, we will be visiting an almost energy self sufficient home in hamilton, and thinking about local and regional self sufficiency, by making connections within a region. The module will address the following topics:
  • Healthy and sustainable living in cities and towns.
  • Community culture; education and values.
  • Suburban retrofit to reduce your ecological footprint.  
  • Engaging in local communities and councils.
  • Layout and integration of urban systems; public spaces, transport & circulation, housing, energy supplies & distribution, urban waste cycles, urban food production, storm water, waste water & potable water management.
Casual attendees are welcome to attend individual modules at a cost of $135. 
Contact: permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or telephone 07-839 445207-839 4452.
Venue: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton, Hamilton.


Eco Design for Building Future Living Conversation

Posted 9 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Eco Design for Building Future Living Conversation

7pm- 8.30 pm Thursday 19 November at the Environment Centre 242 Peachgrove Rd

Come and meet Sharon Robinson from Smart Living Spaces www.smartlivingspaces.nz   and learn how to design/retrofit living spaces for the well-being of the people and the planet.

“Sustainable buildings, what does that mean? Sustainability to me is not what we are doing, but rather why and how we are doing it. Creating or adapting spaces that work with the surrounding environment lightens our footprint on the earth. Sustainable buildings and spaces, generate long term solutions that can offer comfortable, healthy, economical environments that we can use with a consciousness that is considerate of our earth.” Sharon Robinson

Just RSVP Tania   tania@envirocentre

And we will see you on Thursday!



Posted 9 years, 2 months ago    0 comments



DONT Forget We  Now Are Open Saturday 10am to 2pm!


FLAT BAT MAT From The Misery Guts Company

Made from hand felted wool and featuring distinctive Misery Guts eyes to enable him to keep a watchful eye over the bat cave.

 Bat friends also need to check out the Misery Guts Flat Bat Family Garland, made from hand felted wool

Proudly made from hand felted NZ wool by Nepali Fair Trade friends.

*Please note; this product is not made by a machine or printed on a machine. It is made by big humans, with love and skill, by hand. Therefore any, ever so slight, differences should be considered part of its heart and soul and make it just that little bit more special.

Measurements: Approx 1000mm x 750mm at widest points



All Thunderpants clothing is made from certified organic cotton and all of the production process is as local as we can feasibly make it.

Every aspect of production, from how our fabric is made and our clothes sewn is traceable, tested and controlled for quality.

Our aim is to produce clothing you can feel great about. And that’s not only how and where the clothing is made, but when you wear it too!

Take pride in your undies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WONDERMESH Growing Crops without Insecticides

Specifically designed as environmentally friendly method to protect crops from a wide range of insects, birds and other garden pests. Apart from controlling pests wondermesh is also effective for providing an excellent growing environment and will also protect against weather damage



We will be working at Tamahere Gully Care Nursery this coming Friday 13th November from 9am-12noon. Any queries please email me.

Don't forget morning tea!

Thanks and we look forward to your company.

Catherine Smith blchsmiths@gmail.com


Visit the Pehitawa Kahikatea Remnants (http://www.nfrt.org.nz/reserve/pehitawa-kahikatea-forest)

The grade will be easy but wet so come prepared for a day of getting muddy.

Trip Leader : Thomas Emmitt. Thomas is away this week so please email (temmitt@doc.govt.nz) Thomas if you wish to come on the trip in case we have to cancel.

Meet: Sunday 15th November 9am corner of Oparure Rd & SH3 (about 4 km North of Te Kuiti - Opposite the Airfield)

I am happy to coordinate carpooling from Hamilton (we'll have to get away about 7:30)

Kerry Jones

027 747 0733027 747 0733


NZ Association for Environmental Education www.nzaee.org.nz

KiwEENews 17.pdf




Posted 9 years, 2 months ago    0 comments


7pm-8.30pm Thursday 12th November at the Environment Centre

Want to reduce waste and figure out how to recycle? Would love to know how to avoid plastic packaging? Come along to this conversation and we will point you in the right direction. You will be encouraged to just get started or take the next step. As an added bonus you get to hear the inspiring story of South Waikato Achievement Trust turning waste into resource. How good is that?

Just RSVP  to Tania    tania@envirocentre.org.nz

and come on down we will have the kettle on and some loose leaf tea brewing!



Posted 9 years, 2 months ago    0 comments


Community Waikato are running a Funding workshop next Tuesday 10 November at the Hamilton Gardens. Check out the link below for the details. The funding workshop information is right at the bottom of the page. Cheers Moira




This week in Huntly, our seminar is on Domestic Violence and we are accompanied by our friendly Court Staff to discuss Court Services for victims of Domestic Violence. Friday 10am - 12 Noon at the Friendship Community House, 55 William St. Everyone is welcome!

Please see attached



Dear Friend

You, and many wonderful people like you, are a vital link in the fence that protects Maungatautari. Without the ongoing support of people like you the work that Maungatautari does simply could not happen!

Thanks to that support it’s been a big year for the Maunga with lots of exciting things happening! This month we received the first 15 of 40 kokako to be re-introduced to the Maunga after an absence of some 35 years. This is a wonderful achievement funded entirely by donations from our supporters. We have also had two of our takahe relocated to Motutapu Island, kiwi to other parts of the country and lots of breeding and nesting taking place from tuatara’s through to kiwi.

We have recently been given the challenging news that one of our key funders has been forced to reduce our funding for the next year. This will effect our ability to cover our day-to-day costs and to protect our endangered wildlife. Can you help us now?

The Maungatautari project is the largest pest-proof fenced project in the world and is the largest conservation island on mainland New Zealand. It costs over $70,000 to undertake a secure species re-introduction and the staff and material input we need to maintain our fence and sanctuary is no easy financial feat. A donation of $30 or even $50 will immediately help us to continue with the vital work we do. We are also asking our supporters to consider making a long term commitment and join our very special “Kaitiaki” group, our Guardians that contribute a small amount monthly, which would enable us to be able forecast our funds for future projects and plan for further re-introductions of species.(Please note that if you were an annual donor in the past, the annual donation letter has now been replaced with the ongoing appeals).



