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Posted 10 years ago    0 comments

Kaivolution Has Another Big Day!

Bagettes and buns, lettuces and bagels….. 315kg of food recovered in one day from just three donors! Heres a shot of a couple of our recipients and Simon ( baguette in hand)




Mahi Aroha Summer Programme

Explore & Discover Tongariro National Park & the Taupō Region

Enjoy and affordable holiday experience with family & friends

Experience unique conservation activities with us

Participate in the Summer Nature Programme

For more information and bookings - www.doc.govt.nz/mahiaroha or 0800 362 9250800 362 925

1 Jan 2015 Kite Day

2 Jan 2015 Waimarino Wetland Kayak

PP Kite Day

3 Jan 2015 Boyd Omaru

Pukawa Omori Conservation Hikoi

6 Jan 2015 Volcanic Heritage - Te Maari to Tangiwai

8 Jan 2015 Wet & Wild with Whio

Land the Big One - Kids Fishing

9 Jan 2015 Black Back Gull Colony

10 Jan 2015 Waipakihi Heli-Hike

11 Jan 2015 Dawn Chorus at Rotopounamu

12 Jan 2015 Wild at Heart Kaimanawa Horse Experience

14 Jan 2015 Okupata Caves Adventure Creatures of the Night

Sulphur & Secrets

15 Jan 2015 Poronui Mountain Bike Trip

17 Jan 2015 Landscape Photography Workshop

19 Jan 2015 Wairakei Wildlife Sanctuary

22 Jan 2015 Pureora Day

24 Jan 2015 Tussock Traverse

25 Jan 2015 Historic Old Coach Road Wander




North King Country Summer programme

The programme for 2015 has just been released, so please find your copy attached.


Hurry – bookings are strictly limited. Please see attachment.

2015 programme v4 for screen-5.pdf

Kind regards, Erana.



Erana Stevens

Partnership Ranger

Department of Conservation

DDI +64 7 878 1074+64 7 878 1074 | M: +64 27 2164 265+64 27 2164 265







2015 programme v4 for screen-5.pdf

Latest News

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments


PARADISE SAVED by Dave Butler, Tony Lindsay and Janet Hunt. Published by Radom House RRP $55.

This book has recently been released into book shops. It is an impressive history of the decline of our ecosystem that started with Maori landing on our shores around 1300, continuing with European occupation and then the successful proliferation in recent years of restoration groups big and small that are stemming the destruction in many areas and the challenges they face.

This is a very positive book, well written with good information in it. It is a lot more than just a coffee table book. I would highly recommend it as a reference book and would make a great Christmas present.

The following link is to Kim Hill’s interview with David Butler, one of the authors of the new publication “Paradise Saved”. It is a fascinating overview of restoration endeavours and successes. Lasts 20 minutes:



Rex Bushell




There were a few people at the HOGs meeting who wanted to grow fat hen. I've put some seedlings on the swap table at the Environment Centre so pop in and grab some. They'll soon grow and you'll be able to add them into your salads. More info here




You can always give a koha if you don't have anything to swap. There's such interesting things on that table :)

The Environment Centre also has a 'key bank'. You can drop off old keys which are recut. The EC is open from 10 to 4pm weekdays and is open this Saturday from 10 to 1pm.


Wishing you a safe, happy and healthy Christmas,

from the HOGs team




WCEET 2015 Funding Round Open

The Trusts twelfth funding round is now open for applications. The Trust is seeking applications for projects throughout the Waikato Catchment that are consistent with the Trust’s objectives:

• Enhancement of wetland values in the Lake Taupo and Waikato River catchments.

• Enhancement of indigenous biodiversity in the Lake Taupo and Waikato River catchments.

• Enhancement of the sports fishery and game bird population in the Lake Taupo and Waikato River catchments.

• Mitigation of any adverse effects of the operation of the Waikato Hydro System on the ecological environments in the Lake Taupo and Waikato River catchments.

Applications close on 31 January 2015. Please contact Larnie Chrystall on larnie.chrystall@mightyriver.co.nz for more information or download the application form from this website http://www.wceet.org.nz/funding/application-form/.


Don Scarlet


P +64 7 8570157 M +64 274 521 437+64 274 521 437

E enquiries@wceet.org.nz

W www.wceet.org.nz


PO Box 445, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand

Waikato Catchment Ecological Enhancement Trust






Latest News

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Kaivolution Finding Its Feet

Kaivolution has been busy this week . We have recovered 364kg of food in the last four days, ranging from carrot and garlic to mesculan , coriander and lettuce. Thanks to donors Southern Fresh and Bidvest!

One of our trustees Bruce was able to lend a hand on our garlic and coriander recovery …needless to say the smell was somewhat strong but Bruce kept a smile on his face the whole time!

On this note we will be looking for volunteers to help out with Kaivolution, need to be physically fit and adaptable time wise, but this is a totally fulfilling project . We are extremely proud to be involved in making a substantial contribution to our recipients.



Energy Management Training Opportunities 2015

This may be of interest to members involved in energy efficiency. They are aimed at technical professionals as there is a real need for more skills in NZ for this.

EMANZ Energy Management Training Opportunities     

Greetings from EMANZ. We hope you are planning a good holiday break, and looking forward to a new year of learning in 2015!

We have scheduled a number of energy management training opportunities for the first half of 2015. There are two new courses on offer as well as a number of other very popular training options.

All course registrations are now open, details are on our website and early bird offers are available.

Please register through our website and contact the office on 04 385 283904 385 2839 or
admin@emanz.org.nz if you have any further queries.

Robin McIntyreProduct Manager

Scott Technical Instruments


Waterworld Holiday Programme

We have an awesome programme planned for the upcoming summer holidays at Waterworld,

Please see attachment

Kayey Gaustad

Hamilton City Council

Waterworld2015 Programme Brochure.pdf

Funding Expo 2015

Please find attached information about the Funding Expo that will be held at the Hamilton Gardens on 4th February 2015. Great opportunity to talk to funders in addition to some good learning opportunities.



Latest Environmental Events Postings

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments


Waikato Environment Centre- Extra Opening Hours

Dear Environment Centre Supporters

The Waikato Environment Centre will be opening extra hours coming up to Christmas.

For the next three Saturdays we will be open 10am to 1pm.

Please come along and see our ever evolving shop face, and have a look at some of our new products  … something a little different for Xmas presents  !


To all Pukemokemokemoke Friends,

The Waikato University has a student researching the motivations behind volunteering work. You’ll see her letter below. She would like to interview you individually (duration up to 30 mins) or as part of a group (duration up to one hour) depending on your choice and convenience. With your permission, she would like to audio-tape the interview to allow her to obtain a good record of the conversation. If recording occurs, she will undertake to provide you with a transcript of the interview to check for accuracy and to approve use of your data. Interviews will take place at a location of mutual convenience.  

Data collected during the study may be used in writing reports, publications or in presentations. The University teacher, Chris Eames and student Valerie Bianchi have made it clear that they will not use your name, the name of associated groups or the names of other participants in any publications or presentations. “We will make sure that we store all the information we gather from you securely.”

They go on to say, “We would appreciate your agreement to allow us to approach members of your group.  If you need any more details about the project, or issues arise for you during the project, please contact us [Chris: c.eames@waikato.ac.nz, 07 838 435707 838 4357; Valerie: valeriebianchi@gmail.com, 0210696434]. If we are unable to resolve your concerns, you may contact our Director, Professor John Williams: jwilliam@waikato.ac.nz; 07 838 403507 838 4035.

I hope some of you will agree to this and I have invited Valerie to our next and final working bee for the year on December 20th at 1pm…….mainly assessing the year and enjoying a pre-Christmas afternoon tea together so I hope as many of you as possible can make it, at least for a couple of hours!! Please note however that Valerie would like to hear from you before the 8th December, or soon afterward.


 Alan Leadley

Em: mualleadley@xtra.co.nz

Ph. 07-855291907-8552919

Mob: 0272249622


Email to volunteers: 

Kia ora koutou,

My name is Valerie and I am a student at the University of Waikato and a fellow conservation volunteer. Over the summer, I am doing a Summer Research Scholarship with the University of Waikato. I am writing to invite you to participate in a research study aimed at exploring the motivations for people to become involved in an environmental community group. I hope the findings will help environmental community groups understand more how to recruit and retain members, and help environmental agencies (e.g. DoC) to work more effectively with those groups

For this project, I will be interviewing volunteers of community conservation projects. For this study, a volunteer is someone who does not receive monetary remuneration by the organization. I would like to invite you to participate in this study if you are a volunteer and do not hold any paid contracts with the Friends of the Pukemokemoke Bush Reserve. Participation in the research study is confidential. If you are interested to have a conversation about your volunteer experience (which should take about 30 minutes in person), please let me know through email (ValerieBianchi@gmail.com) or phone (021 0696434021 0696434). Ideally, I would like to complete this conversation before Christmas and so if you are interested please get back to me by Monday 8 December if you can, but I would be happy to hear from you any time up until Christmas.

Nga mihi,



 Hamilton Organic Gardeners Meeting Reminder

The HOGs meeting this Saturday we'll be talking about growing salad greens, herbs and edible weeds for delicious and healthy summer salads, using in pesto etc. And sprouting micro greens and making smoothies. See you there on Saturday 6th December at 2:30pm.


We’ll meet at the Environment Centre at 242 Peachgrove Rd, near the Five Cross Roads roundabout, a few doors north of Burger Fuel. There is some parking on Peachgrove Rd and plenty behind the shops. You can enter through the back door.

The plant and produce swap table will be there so bring along your extra seedlings, produce, spare seeds etc. to swap :

You are welcome to sell plants etc. too

Light refreshments will be served.Gold coin entry, thanks

Happy gardening






Latest Environmental Posting

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Creating Healthy Homes Workshop.


Workshop Date: Thursday 18th December 9.00am – 12.30pm at Habitat for Humanity.

Facilitated Ian Mayes - Hamilton City Council - Eco Design Advisor

Are you interested in the health and wellbeing of your community?

Do you work directly with families or do you work with organisations that do?

When our homes are damp and cold they get expensive to heat and the people who live in them get sick more often. However, there are many tools for making a home dryer and warmer. Many of these are free or very cheap to implement. More often than not, the issue is about awareness of the problem(s), and then knowing what to do about it.

Come to our FREE workshop for some simple strategies and expert advice on how to incorporate effective ‘Healthy Homes’ messages and practices into your everyday work.

Book now to secure your place on these sought after workshops!!!

Please RSVP by 16th of December

To Ani Nock at: ani.nock@hcc.govt.nz.


Riverlea Environment Society

There are no more weekend working bees now until next February. But we are going to do some casual Weds evening ones from 5.30 - 6.30 (or people can stay later if they want). This will be for the next three Wednesdays or so.

For this Wednesday, please meet on the boardwalk by the lookout over the river.

No pressure to be there. Just if you want a bit of a nature dose and break from pre-Christmas stress. Nothing too strenuous.

Wear gloves and bring loppers or secateurs if you have them. We'll show everyone what to do if they are unsure.


Best wishes



Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated


Latest Environmental Events Postings

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Tagasaste To Give away

We have about 30 tagasaste, small to two feet high if you know of a project that would like them. We are in Cambridge. Our phone number is 8231331.

Regards, Robin Smuts-Kennedy



Botanical Book Launch Catherine Kirby

Dear Botanical Society members

Click on the link below for an invitation and RSVP details for the launch of an

exciting new botanical field guide produced right here in Hamilton,

*Field guide to New Zealand’s Epiphytes, Vines & Mistletoes* by Catherine

L. Kirby


The Waikato Botanical Society is proud to be supporting the book launch

event on 11th December at 7pm in the new Science and Engineering foyer,

University of Waikato, Gate 9 Hillcrest Road.

Please come along to enjoy drinks and nibbles and support our local

botanical talent. The book will be available at a discounted price for the

evening, so why not get yourself an early christmas present?


Mike Clearwater

School of Science


Riverlea Environmental Society Working Bee


The last weekend working bee for 2014 is this Saturday from 1-3 pm. Meet at the Malcolm St end of the boardwalk. Please bring loppers if you have them and wear sturdy shoes, gloves. Long sleeves are a good idea because it can get scratchy.

We will be removing weeds (plus chatting, getting exercise and soaking up some nature).

A question: who would be interested in doing Wednesday evening working bees, just for an hour or an hour and a half each week? It's a cooler time of day and it might be easier for some people than Saturday afternoons. You could consider it your 'green prescription'!

We are just thinking about it for the summer months while the days are long and hot.

Please let me know if you would come to the Weds ones if we ran them.


Best wishes,


Dr Andrea Graves


Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated



Weston A Price Foundation Christmas meeting

Our last meeting of the year will be our Christmas Party: Saturday 29 November

Time : 1-4pm

Location : Forest Lake School Hall on Storey Ave

Cost : $5 to cover cost of hall

Please bring a plate to share for afternoon tea.

Please note the new venue!

This will also be our last meeting as chapter leaders. We have enjoyed the last three years but unfortunately now we do not have enough spare time to run the chapter.

We are thrilled that Marea Smith has agreed to take on this role. Marea has a lot of knowledge about the Weston A Price Foundation and is going to set up facebook page and a website for the chapter which will be a real benefit. She has also organised hiring the hall in Forest Lake which will hopefully be closer for most of you.

Look forward to seeing you all there.

Michelle & Natasha


Friends of Waiwhakareke working bee tomorrow

My apologies for the late notice.

Next working bee for Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park.

Saturday 29 November 2014 - Weeding the 2014 Arbor Day plants.

9am - midday

Meet in the carpark opposite the Zoo on Brymer Road.

We will be releasing/stomping the weeds from around the Arbor Day plantings. Best to bring gloves to wear and most importantly bring morning tea. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning.

Cheers Moira Co-convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke


End of year Botanical Highlights - Monday Night Dec 1

Join us for END OF YEAR drinks and nibbles, and botanical highlights, on Monday 1 December

Where? Community Waikato on Victoria Street. Enter through the side door. You can park either in the Community Waikato carpark or next door at the Meteor

Drinks and nibbles are available before and after the talks

So start working now on your memorable botanical moments of the year and bring them along to share at our ‘end of year round up’ we’d love to hear what has excited you this year. Up to 10 slides in 5 minutes.

If you plan to use powerpoint slides, bring them along on a USB stick

See you on Monday!

Mike Clearwater

School of Science



Latest Environmental Postings

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

DOC-Waikato Community Conservation Fund Open for Applications

DOC's Waikato Community Conservation Fund is open.  Applications  must be in by 4.00pm on Friday , January 9, 2015     Information and application forms  (see attached) will also be on the DOC  website by the end of the week.  Let me know if you have any queries or need help with filling in the application form.   Cheers Moira

p 07846 5066

DOCDM-1505348 - WCCF application guideline 2014-1.doc

DOCDM-1495143 - WCCF application form 2014-1.doc



Tuesday 2 December 2014, 4.30pm
at the Waikato Environment Centre
242 Peachgrove Rd
Any apologies to Debbie at debcourts@gmail.com

Update On The Next Hamilton Organic Gardeners Meeting
The next meeting has now changed to Saturday 6th December at 2.30pm
at the Waikato Environment Centre, Five Cross Roads

Art Exhibition Over Three Days

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments


Starting Nov 21st

Venue: The Rotary Lounge of the Pavilion at Hamilton Gardens


The exhibition, “A Different Approach to A World in Crisis”, is concerned with issues facing humanity , in a broad context. It takes the form of photo-journalistic material juxtaposed with insightful commentary from the late J. Krishnamurti, educator, philosopher, psychologist, world lecturer, and others. But the exhibition is far more than a mere chronicle of the problems of humankind; it goes to the very heart, the source of them, and points to what may be mankind's only chance of survival.


 Please note you need to RSVP for the opening night on the 21st Nov 

opens 7-30pm Nov 22nd 8am – 7pm Nov 23rd 8am – 5-30pm. Please contact Clive Elwell ph 022 0857184, or email clive.elwell@gmail.com.
