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Pruning and Budding workshop

Posted 13 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Saturday May 14th 2011

Budding & Pruning your own Fruit Trees – a fully hands on, practical workshop

Presented by Locavore

10am to 3pm

• Discover practical, hands-on ways to correctly prune your fruit trees for health and maximum yield.

• Learn how to bio-dynamically care for your trees year round, recognize, prevent & treat disease and parasitic invasions.

• “Bud” your choice of fruit tree with wood from our orchard onto provided root stock— save money by propagating your own trees.

• Essential, practical tips on setting up or maintaining your orchard so you never have to buy fruit again!

• Tutors - Graeme Bradley, a local horticulturalist with over 40 years experience in orcharding and Burton Worth, bio-dynamic market gardener.

• Light lunch and afternoon tea included.

• Workshop limited to 10 pax on a first come, first served basis.

• Held at the Locavore bio-dynamic gardens, 67 Pukerimu Lane, Cambridge.

$40 per person

To book your place/s please complete the form below and return with the full payment. Bookings will not be accepted without payment.

Name/s: _______________________________

Email: ________________________________

Home Tel: _________________ Cell ______________________

Number of people attending _______ Amount Enclosed ______________

I/we accept and agree with the Terms of Trade set out below. Please tick here: â–¡

Methods of payment -

Direct bank credit: Westpac Bank, 030255 0221745 00 Please reference Workshop 140511.

Cheques: To “Locavore Ltd”, post to 67 Pukerimu Lane, Cambridge RD3. 3495.

 Terms of Trade: Bookings will not be accepted without full payment. Bookings will be confirmed by email to the address stated above. If you are attending with others we suggest you forward the confirmation email to them. The workshop will go ahead rain, hail or shine. We reserve the right to refuse bookings. No refunds will be made for cancellations made after Friday 6th May 2011. The practical skills undertaken in this workshop can be hazardous; Locavore Ltd and its staff accept no responsibility for injury, loss or damage to attendees or their property. You accept that your attendance is at your own risk.


Queen of the Sun - What are the bees telling us

Posted 13 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

"Queen of the Sun", an award winning new documentary film with New Zealand footage, examines the plight of the Honeybee worldwide as they mysteriously succumb to so called "Colony Collapse Disorder".

As Bees pollinate more than 40% of our food, many fruits and vegetables could disappear. Horticulture and Agriculture would not exist as we know it. We rely on Bees for much of our dietary health and wellbeing and they have come to reply on us as we have manipulated their habitat, putting them at risk of disease and infestation.

Featuring Michael Pollan, Vandana Shiva, Hugh Wilson from NZ, and many others.

There will be two showings of this movie next week in the Waikato.

Monday 18 April.

Union Church Hall, Stewart St, Raglan at 7.30pm

Tuesday 19th April, 7pm
Where : Te Awamutu Bible Chapel, Chapel Drive
Cost : Entry by donation

Sue Kedgley, Green MP, will be opening the screenings and will be briefly discussing the Greens new campaign to support Honeybee health in New Zealand by seeking to petition to :

* prohibit the import of honey and other bee products into New Zealand
* ban known Bee toxic insecticides

Members and supporters of other political parties are warmly welcomed. This is bigger than politics !!
Looking forward to seeing you there, and please invite your friends

For info re Te Awamutu screening:
Leanne Steel
07 872 4744

John Lawson
07 825 7866.

10 things you can do to help bees

Shopping awareness, Fluroide talk reminder, F and B Plant Sale

Posted 13 years, 4 months ago    0 comments


WHEN: Tuesday April 19th, 11 a.m.
WHERE: Hillcrest New World Supermarket (Cambridge Rd, near turnoff to Morrinsville)
Next Tuesday Sue Kedgley will be in town leading one of her famous food shopping expeditions. She will answer questions on issues such as:
- how to become a more conscious, ethical consumer
- how to read and understand nutrition labelling
- how to avoid purchasing foods that may contain GE ingredients
- how to identify cruelty free products
- how to purchase locally grown New Zealand products
- additives to avoid
Unfortunately places are limited to 12 as the supermarket manager wants minimal disruption to his other shoppers and we are keen to respect his wishes. However four places are still available. If you would (definitely!) like to come, please email Cathy Legg: greatcathy@yahoo.com.au.

Saturday 16th of April 2pm - 4pm.
World expert on Fluoride Dr. Paul Connett - public meeting - FLUORIDE THE NEW ASBESTOS at the Celebrating Age Centre, Victoria St.

Coming up - put in your diary

Saturday May 7th

Forest and Bird Native Plant Sale
Paknsave Carpark, Mill St,
Get in early - 8am start.
Bring your shopping trundler and fill it up! Heaps of very reasonably priced plants.
Info Colleen Brimblecombe 07 855 5626

Modular Permaculture Design Certificate

Posted 13 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

There are still places left on the PDC course starting May 7th.

(Note - This is a fantastic introduction to permaculture, living sustainably, becoming more productive and self sufficient, and gaining a good understanding of living lightly on the planet. Ongoing friendships were also a bonus outcome from last year's course.)

The Certificate course is run throughout the year, approximately monthly, one weekend day.
All up there are 12 modules, covering the following topics:,  Philosophy and Design, Climate and Water, Human sphere, Community resilience, Landscape and site assessment, Large Animals and forestry, Small animals and orchards, Soils and gardening, Built environments, Energy and technology, Urban development, and the final session which is presenting the projects.

Modules will be mostly based in Hamilton, at Waimarie Community House in Hamilton East,but some will be on properties around the Waikato.

Contact the Hamilton Permaculture Trust for more information or look on the website - www.hamiltonpermaculture.org.nz. Ph Cheryl 834 2249 or 021 139 0935.


Alison Ballance Kakapo talk

Posted 13 years, 4 months ago    0 comments


Forest and Bird AGM tonight at the Hamilton Gardens.


Kakapo and other story-telling adventures
Broadcaster and writer Alison Ballance talks about her latest book 'Kakapo: rescued from the brink of extinction', and about some of her recent adventures in natural history story telling.

Everyone welcome.


Posted 13 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

The NZ Landcare Trust welcomes you to join us for an informal half day of discussion and presentations at Lake Ngaroto on Tuesday 3rd May from 10am to 1.30pm.

Learn about what 15 years of restoration at Lake Ngaroto has achieved to date and what the future might look like. Experts will share their knowledge about improving water quality in shallow lakes, lake and catchment restoration. Information on sources of funding and assistance for landowners and care groups will also be provided. A panel session will follow presentations and there’ll be plenty of time over a free lunch for further discussions and networking.

Please RSVP by Thursday 28th April for catering purposes to: monica.peters@landcare.org.nz or phone 0800 526 322.





Situation Vacant

Posted 13 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Great news! The University of Waikato is looking to appoint a new sustainability coordinator. Anyone interested can see the job advert and position description at http://www.waikato.ac.nz/hrm/vacancies/current.shtml.


Adobe Workshop - Auckland

Posted 13 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Sorry this is very late notice but has just been sent to me. There is no phone number on the notice so if anyone is interested in attending, pls fill in the online form and hopefully someone will get back to you today - don't contact me - I don't know any more than what is in the notice.

Philip Mirkin is running a two-day "Build Your Own Pizza Oven" Hybrid-Abode Workshop this weekend in Auckland (Titirangi). 
It starts at 10AM tomorrow 9 April.
Phillip built himself a house in New Zealand with these materials for approximately $2,000 just a few years ago.

"Hybrid Adobe is a low-cost, easy to build with, energy-efficient material made from local earth, used paper and a binder. You can use this strong,non-toxic material for dozens of applications including sleepouts, bush stairs, soundwalls, footpaths and privacy walls.
The Auckland Workshop will focus on building bush stairs and a pizza oven.
Participants will learn first-hand how these simple processes allow you to do the work yourself, saving energy and heaps of money while reusing the strong cellulose fibers from discarded paper.

Investment: $175, which includes gourmet lunches.  Concessions and koha positions are available."
